Latest News:
Vanhustekotunnustus 2024, City of Rovaniemi, Vanhusneuvosto / Council of the Elderly
Guest Edited a Special Issue:
Päivi Rasi-Heikkinen, Hanna Vuojärvi, and I are guest edited a Special Issue "Age-Friendly Media Literacy Education for Older People" for Education Sciences Journal.
More information:
University of Lapland communication recognition award to OdigO-project (1.3.2023).
Doctoral Dissertation:
Rivinen, S. (2021). Developing Media Literacy Geragogy for Older People through Design-based Research. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Lapland]. Lauda.
Latest publications:
Rasi-Heikkinen, P., Rivinen, S., & Ahtinen, A. (2024). Older adults and robot literacy. Educational Gerontology, 1–11.
Latest scientific conferences:
- Paananen, V., Rivinen, S., Tohmola, A., & Elo, S. (2024). Factors affecting marginalized older peoples' digital exclusion evaluated by gerontological social work professionals. Nordic Conference on Digital Health and Wireless Solutions, 7.-8.5.2024, Oulu, Finland.
- Rasi-Heikkinen, P., Rivinen, S., Vuojärvi, H. & Ahtinen, A. (2024). Robots in the Care of Older People: Robot Literacy Required. Nordic Conference on Digital Health and Wireless Solutions, 7.-8.5.2024, Oulu, Finland.
Latest Reviews / "Referee":
- Frontiers in Sociology (2024)
- Frontiers in Education (2023)
Approx. 3 min long videos produced in the OdigO project (The Skillful Tutors of Adults' and Aging Population's Digital Competences to Lapland -project) in which I perform:
1/15: Pioneers from Finland - Research history of the Media Education Hub, the Faculty of Education, University of Lapland (in Finnish).
Speaker: Päivi Rasi-Heikkinen, Hanna Vuojärvi & Susanna Rivinen
2/15: What are digital competences? (in Finnish)
Speaker: Susanna Rivinen