Latest News:

Vanhustekotunnustus 2024, City of Rovaniemi, Vanhusneuvosto / Council of the Elderly

Guest Edited a Special Issue:

Päivi Rasi-Heikkinen, Hanna Vuojärvi, and I are guest edited a Special Issue "Age-Friendly Media Literacy Education for Older People" for Education Sciences Journal.
More information:

University of Lapland communication recognition award to OdigO-project (1.3.2023).

Doctoral Dissertation:

Rivinen, S. (2021). Developing Media Literacy Geragogy for Older People through Design-based Research. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Lapland].  Lauda.

Latest publications:
Rasi-Heikkinen, P.,
Rivinen, S., &
Ahtinen, A. (2024). Older adults and robot literacy. Educational Gerontology, 1–11.

Paananen, V., Rivinen, S., Tohmola, A., & Elo, S. (2024). Factors Affecting Marginalized Older Peoples' Digital Exclusion Evaluated by Gerontological Social Work Professionals. In Särestöniemi, M., et al. Digital Health and Wireless Solutions. NCDHWS 2024. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2083. Springer, Cham.

Latest scientific conferences: 

  • Paananen, V., Rivinen, S., Tohmola, A., & Elo, S. (2024). Factors affecting marginalized older peoples' digital exclusion evaluated by gerontological social work professionals. Nordic Conference on Digital Health and Wireless Solutions, 7.-8.5.2024, Oulu, Finland.
  • Rasi-Heikkinen, P., Rivinen, S., Vuojärvi, H. & Ahtinen, A. (2024). Robots in the Care of Older People: Robot Literacy Required. Nordic Conference on Digital Health and Wireless Solutions, 7.-8.5.2024, Oulu, Finland.

Latest Reviews / "Referee":

  • Frontiers in Sociology (2024)
  • Frontiers in Education (2023) 

Approx. 3 min long videos produced in the OdigO project (The Skillful Tutors of Adults' and Aging Population's Digital Competences to Lapland -project)  in which I perform:

1/15: Pioneers from Finland - Research history of the Media Education Hub, the Faculty of Education, University of Lapland (in Finnish).
Speaker: Päivi Rasi-Heikkinen, Hanna Vuojärvi & Susanna Rivinen

2/15: What are digital competences? (in Finnish)
Speaker: Susanna Rivinen

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