Teaching in academic contexts:
- Rasi-Heikkinen, P. & Rivinen, S. (in Finnish, online). AKAS3113 Learning for Adults and Older People in Media Society (5 ETCS). University og Lapland, Faculty of Education (academic year 2023-2024).
- Rivinen, S. (in Finnish, online). KOJO2105
Digitalisation, Media and Projects in Educational Organisations (3 ECTS, KOJO2105 Digitalisaatio, media ja projektit koulutusjohtamisessa). University of Lapland, Faculty of Education (academic year 2023-2024).
- Rivinen, S. (in English, hybrid). Orientation day for doctoral candidates (1 ETC). University of Lapland, Doctoral School, part of the Philosophy of research and researcher skills -studies, 25 August 2023.
- Rivinen, S. (in English, online). Finnish pioneer projects IkäihMe and OdigO support media literacies and digital competences of aging population. Lecture as part of MKAS3107 course Global Media Education, Ocotober, 18 (2022).
- Lantela, L., Rivinen, S., & Körkkö, M. (in Finnish, online). KKAS1110 Johdatus kasvatustieteeseen [Introduction to educational science] (5 ETCs). University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, Basic studies, as an online tutor and exam grading, 2022 & 2023.
- Ruokamo, H., Lempiäinen, K., Rivinen, S., & Väätäjä, J. (in Finnish). KKAS1117 Aikuiskasvatus ja mediakasvatus (5 ETCs). University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, Basic studies, exam grading, 2021-2023.
- Rivinen, S. (in Finnish, online). Kehittämässä ikäihmisten medialukutaidon geragogiikkaa. Lecture as part of the geronomy students Training Camp, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, April, 21 (2022).
- Rivinen, S. (in Finnish, online). Ikäihmisten medialukutaidon geragogiikkaa kehittämässä. Lecture as part of the MKAS3105 Media opetuksessa ja oppimisessa (5 credits) -course, University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, Advanced studies, April, 19 (2022).
- Rasi-Heikkinen, P., Vuojärvi, H., Elo, S., Ahokumpu, T., Jokelainen, A., & Rivinen, S. (in Finnish, online). Guiding adults' and ageing population's digital competences (5 ECTs). Jointly implemented with the University of Lapland's Faculty of Education and the Lapland University of Applied Science, During the academic semesters: 2021-2022 & 2022-2023.
- Turunen, T., Rivinen, S., & Körkkö, M. (in Finnish, online). KKAS1110 Johdatus kasvatustieteeseen [Introduction to educational science] (5 ECTs). University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, Basic studies, as an online tutor, 2021.
- Rivinen, S., Airola, E. & Corné, T. (in Finnish, online). Väitöskirjojen johdannot vertailussa [Introductions of dissertations in comparison]. Jatko-opiskelijaseminaari [PhD research seminar], University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, June, 6 (2020).
- Rivinen, S. & Airola, E. (in English, online). Older people and research on media education. Lecture as part of the MEDU3101 Research on Media Education (5ECTs) -course, University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, Advanced studies, April, 21 (2020).
- Rasi, P., Rivinen, S., & Kangas, M. (in Finnish, f2f). KYLE0207 Opetus ja oppiminen uusissa oppimisympäristöissä [Teaching and learning in new learning environments] (3 ECTs). During the academic semester: 2019-2020. University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, General Studies.
- Rasi, P., Rivinen, S., & Keskitalo, T. (in Finnish, f2f). KYLE0207 Opetus ja oppiminen uusissa oppimisympäristöissä [Teaching and learning in new learning environments] (3 ECTs). During the academic semester: 2018-2019. University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, General Studies.
- Rasi, P. & Rivinen, S. (in Finnish, f2f). KYLE0207 Opetus ja oppiminen uusissa oppimisympäristöissä [Teaching and learning in new learning environments] (3 ECTs). During the academic semester: 2017-2018. University of Lapland, Faculty of Education, General Studies.
- Rivinen S. & Frangou, S.-M. (in Finnish, f2f). LKAS3122 Syventävä harjoittelu [Supervising the training of teacher students]. During the academic semester: 2018-2019. University of Lapland, Faculty of Education.
- Rivinen S. (in Finnish). Opettajaopiskelijoiden syventävän harjoittelun ohjaaminen [Supervising the training of teacher students]. During the academic semester: 2018-2019, University of Lapland, Faculty of Education.
- Rivinen, S. (in Finnish). LKAS0301-3 Varhaiskasvatuksen ja alkuopetuksen perusteet: Mediakasvatuksen harjoitukset [The basics of early childhood education: Media education group exercises] (2 ECTs). During the academic semesters: 2017-2018 (contact teaching) & 2018-2019 (online implementation), University of Lapland, Faculty of Education.
- Rivinen, S. (in Finnish, hybrid). TVTO0106 Projektin toteuttaminen [Implementation of the project] (4 ECTs). During the academic semester: 2017-2018, University of Lapland, Faculty of Education.
- Rasi. P. & Rivinen, S. (in Finnish, f2f). MEDU2210 Mediakasvattaja työelämässä [Media educator in working life] (5 ECTs). During the academic semester: 2015-2016. Teaching was a part of the separate teacher's pedagogical studies training, University of Lapland, Faculty of Education.
Latest projects:
2023-2026 | Arctic RoboWelfare - Development environment for Lapland's well-being robotics, European Regional Development Fund (EAKR) and Union of Lapland.
2023-2026 | GeroDigiLead, European Social Fund (ESF+) and Northern Ostrobothnia's Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY).
2021-2023 | OdigO - Osaavia aikuisten ja ikääntyvien digitaitojen ohjaajia Lappiin (Skillful tutors of adults' and ageing population's digital competences to Lapland), European Social Fund and Northern Ostrobothnia's Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY) .
- 2018-2021 | IkäihMe - Vapaan sivistystyön ja aikuisopetukseen suuntautuvien opettajien koulutuksen kehittäminen - kohteena ikäihmisten mediakasvatus (Developing teacher education of adult educators - Targeting older people's media education), Ministry of Education and Culture, Teacher Education Development Program.
- 2018 | KOP - Kulttuurisensitiivinen opinpolku Lapissa (Cultural-Sensitive Learning Path in Lapland), European Social Fund ESF.
- 2018 | OpenDigi - opettajat oppimistaitojen ja digipedagogiikan kehittäjäyhteisöissä (Teachers' communities for improving learning and digipedagogical skills), Ministry of Education and Culture.
- 2015 / 2016 | Verme2 - Vertaisryhmämentorointi (Peer group mentoring).
- Rasi-Heikkinen, P. M. (organizer), Rivinen, S. (organizer), Vuojärvi, H. (organizer), Kaartinen, H. (organizer), Keskitalo, P. (organizer), & Luksua, T. (organizer) (2024). Tutkimusagendalla seniorit! seminar, 24.1.2024, Rovaniemi, Finland.
- Rivinen, S. (10.11.2022). Chairman of the theme group: "3.4 Jatkuva ja elinikäinen oppiminen" in Ammattikorkeakoulutuksen ja ammatillisen koulutuksen tutkimuspäivät 9.-10.11.2022, Rovaniemi, Finland.